Phase One of Our Modernisation Is Complete
Our first two-week phase of The Real Food Cafe's modernisation is complete. This stage included improvements to our back of house areas and our toilet facilities.
During the modernisation work, we put in important foundational investment and work that will enable us to serve our customers more efficiently, improve energy efficiency and be more adaptable in our menu range. Moreover, what we've done will improve the working environment for our team and increase the reliability of our facilities, particularly the loos.
Here's a breakdown of what we put in in each of the areas we worked on behind closed doors:
- New 4 ring induction hob with a fan oven
- Stainless steel panels
- New frying equipment
- New ducting to roof
- New roof fan and hot holding
- 11 deck combi oven
- New chrome high-efficiency griddles.
Meet the Rolls Royce of frying equipment by KFE ltd
KP Areas
- New sinks, shelving and dishwasher.
- Single taps
- New flushers.
We also worked on expanding our menu range and will inform you about that in a separate post.
The second phase of modernisation revolves around increasing staff accommodation capacity, which is an absolute necessity for a rural and remote business like ours, especially when there is an acute shortage of affordable and social housing in rural Scotland.
Phase number 3, will be all about the front of house and our outdoor areas.
We are unable to say when stages two and three will happen. That depends on how things develop this and next year. This is due to the fact that (not only) hospitality businesses have been battling with huge increases in trading costs and our entire industry has been facing unprecedented challenges. However, our plan is to complete all of the modernisation phases before our 20th anniversary. We will keep you informed.
Everyone at the Real Food Cafe is fully committed to our business success, making the absolute best we can of all the opportunities and challenges we face.