Give It Up for Stirling Business Excellence Awards Winners
We are so proud and humbled to announce that we became 'Business of the Year' at the inaugural Stirling Business Excellence Awards held by STEP in partnership with The Scotsman.
The awards were held on Thursday 22nd February at Stirling Court Hotel. It was a brilliant evening spent celebrating with many other fantastic local businesses, charities and entrepreneurs.
The awards were designed to recognise the best in Stirling and surrounding areas and celebrated a cross section of businesses and the vital role they play in the economic growth of the region.
To our pleasant surprise, amidst stiff competition, our Cafe emerged as the overall winner, despite initially being finalists in the Retail/Leisure/Tourism Business category (congratulations to Stirling Distillery for their well-deserved win!).
The award brochure reads: "Our judges carefully reviewed all nominations in all our categories and those who entered directly into this particular category.
Across the Board there was one clear winner. "
Our founder and co-owner, Sarah Heward, said:" Alan and I are delighted and honoured that our business won 'Business of the Year at the Stirling Business Excellence Awards organised by STEP. We congratulate all the winners and thank the sponsors and organisers.
We are delighted that the ultimate award has gone to a small, independent, rural hospitality & tourism business in the furthest and most remote corner of the region. This is particularly important when you look at how our sector, hospitality & tourism, has been negatively impacted over the last few years and the decline of rural communities.
We believe that this award acknowledges and recognises our contribution to the local community and environment as well as our team, food and service. Thank you judges and thanks to our fabulous team, some of whom did a brilliant job representing us last night, and to our customers who make all this possible."
You can find the full list of Stirling Business Excellence Awards 2024 at https://www.scotsman.com/business/business-success-celebrated-in-stirling-4531280